9 months ago
23 changed files with 1307 additions and 797 deletions
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File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1 +0,0 @@ |
"use strict";(self.webpackChunkant_design_pro=self.webpackChunkant_design_pro||[]).push([[857],{46701:function(U,d,e){e.r(d);var E=e(15009),u=e.n(E),p=e(97857),l=e.n(p),x=e(99289),f=e.n(x),I=e(48357),h=e(90930),D=e(1507),M=e(35312),i=e(67294),T=e(96974),o=e(85893),P=function(){var m=(0,i.useRef)(),O=(0,M.useIntl)(),j=[{title:"\u8BBE\u5907Id",dataIndex:"deviceId",valueType:"textarea",ellipsis:!0,copyable:!0},{title:"\u5E94\u7528\u540D\u79F0",hideInSearch:!0,dataIndex:"appName",valueType:"textarea"},{title:"\u5E73\u53F0",dataIndex:"platform",valueEnum:{1:{text:"\u7A7F\u5C71\u7532"},2:{text:"\u817E\u8BAF"},3:{text:"\u767E\u5EA6\u8054\u76DF"},4:{text:"Mintegral"},5:{text:"\u5FEB\u624B"},6:{text:"\u6E38\u53EF\u8D62"},7:{text:"Sigmob"},8:{text:"Admob"}}},{title:"\u5E7F\u544A\u7C7B\u578B",dataIndex:"advType",valueEnum:{1:{text:"\u6A2A\u5E45",status:"Default"},2:{text:"\u63D2\u9875",status:"Processing"},3:{text:"\u6FC0\u52B1\u89C6\u9891",status:"Success"}}},{title:"ecpm(\u5143)",dataIndex:"ecpm",hideInSearch:!0,renderText:function(_){return _/100}},{title:"\u8BBE\u5907\u54C1\u724C",dataIndex:"deviceBrand",hideInSearch:!0,valueType:"textarea"},{title:"\u8BBE\u5907\u540D",dataIndex:"deviceName",hideInSearch:!0,valueType:"textarea"},{title:"ip",dataIndex:"ip",hideInSearch:!0,valueType:"textarea"},{title:"\u65F6\u95F4",hideInSearch:!0,dataIndex:"createdAt",valueType:"dateTime"},{title:"\u65F6\u95F4",hideInTable:!0,dataIndex:"createdAt",valueType:"dateRange"}],b=(0,T.UO)(),c=b.code,R=function(){var t=f()(u()().mark(function _(v){var r,n,s;return u()().wrap(function(a){for(;;)switch({case 0:return,(0,I._5)(l()(l()({},v),{},{code:c}));case 2:return s=a.sent,a.abrupt("return",{data:(||r===void 0?void,total:(||n===void 0?void,success:!0});case 4:case"end":return a.stop()}},_)}));return function(v){return t.apply(this,arguments)}}();return(0,i.useEffect)(function(){var t;(t=m.current)===null||t===void 0||t.reload()},[c]),(0,o.jsx)(h._z,{children:(0,o.jsx)(D.Z,{headerTitle:O.formatMessage({id:"pages.searchTable.title",defaultMessage:"Enquiry form"}),actionRef:m,rowKey:"key",search:{labelWidth:120},request:R,columns:j})})};d.default=P}}]); |
@ -0,0 +1 @@ |
"use strict";(self.webpackChunkant_design_pro=self.webpackChunkant_design_pro||[]).push([[857],{46701:function(ne,h,e){e.r(h);var b=e(5574),f=e.n(b),C=e(15009),d=e.n(C),U=e(97857),u=e.n(U),B=e(99289),p=e.n(B),D=e(48357),y=e(92296),o=e(31847),g=e(90930),K=e(57470),x=e(64317),L=e(34540),W=e(50624),S=e(35312),Z=e(13169),O=e(16250),F=e(27484),z=e.n(F),$=e(9220),m=e(67294),G=e(96974),_=e(85893),N=function(){var M=(0,m.useRef)(),H=(0,S.useIntl)(),J=[{title:"\u8BBE\u5907id",dataIndex:"deviceId",valueType:"textarea",ellipsis:!0,copyable:!0},{title:"\u5E94\u7528\u540D\u79F0",hideInSearch:!0,dataIndex:"appName",valueType:"textarea"},{title:"\u5E73\u53F0",dataIndex:"platform",valueEnum:{1:{text:"\u7A7F\u5C71\u7532"},2:{text:"\u817E\u8BAF"},3:{text:"\u767E\u5EA6\u8054\u76DF"},4:{text:"Mintegral"},5:{text:"\u5FEB\u624B"},6:{text:"\u6E38\u53EF\u8D62"},7:{text:"Sigmob"},8:{text:"Admob"}}},{title:"\u5E7F\u544A\u7C7B\u578B",dataIndex:"advType",valueEnum:{1:{text:"\u6A2A\u5E45",status:"Default"},2:{text:"\u63D2\u9875",status:"Processing"},3:{text:"\u6FC0\u52B1\u89C6\u9891",status:"Success"}}},{title:"ecpm(\u5143)",dataIndex:"ecpm",hideInSearch:!0,renderText:function(t){return t/100}},{title:"\u8BBE\u5907\u54C1\u724C",dataIndex:"deviceBrand",hideInSearch:!0,valueType:"textarea"},{title:"\u8BBE\u5907\u540D",dataIndex:"deviceName",hideInSearch:!0,valueType:"textarea"},{title:"ip",dataIndex:"ip",hideInSearch:!0,valueType:"textarea"},{title:"\u65F6\u95F4",hideInSearch:!0,dataIndex:"createdAt",valueType:"dateTime"},{title:"\u65F6\u95F4",hideInTable:!0,dataIndex:"createdAt",valueType:"dateRange"}],Q=(0,G.UO)(),c=Q.code,V=function(){var a=p()(d()().mark(function t(s){var n,v,r;return d()().wrap(function(l){for(;;)switch({case 0:return,(0,D._5)(u()(u()({},s),{},{code:c}));case 2:return r=l.sent,l.abrupt("return",{data:(||n===void 0?void,total:(||v===void 0?void,success:!0});case 4:case"end":return l.stop()}},t)}));return function(s){return a.apply(this,arguments)}}(),X=(0,m.useState)(),P=f()(X,2),i=P[0],Y=P[1],w=(0,m.useState)([]),I=f()(w,2),T=I[0],k=I[1],q=o.Z.Divider,ee=(0,m.useState)(!1),j=f()(ee,2),R=j[0],te=j[1],ae=function(){var a=p()(d()().mark(function t(s){var n;return d()().wrap(function(r){for(;;)switch({case 0:return,(0,D.d1)({appCode:s});case 2:n=r.sent,;case 4:case"end":return r.stop()}},t)}));return function(s){return a.apply(this,arguments)}}(),A=function(){var a=p()(d()().mark(function t(s){var n;return d()().wrap(function(r){for(;;)switch({case 0:return,(0,D.Zb)(u()(u()({},s),{},{code:c}));case 2:n=r.sent,;case 4:case"end":return r.stop()}},t)}));return function(s){return a.apply(this,arguments)}}();(0,m.useEffect)(function(){var a;(a=M.current)===null||a===void 0||a.reload(),ae(c),A({code:c})},[c]);var E=function(t){return t?parseFloat((t/1e5).toFixed(2)):0},{return{"",income:E(a.income)}}),re={data:_e,xField:"date",yField:"income",axis:{date:{title:"\u65E5\u671F"},income:{title:"\u6536\u5165\uFF08\u5143\uFF09"}},title:"\u7D2F\u8BA1"+E(T.reduce(function(a,t){return a+(t.income?t.income:0)},0))+"\u5143",height:400,label:{text:function(t){return t.\u6536\u5165>0?t.\u6536\u5165:""},textBaseline:"bottom"}};return(0,_.jsx)(g._z,{children:(0,_.jsxs)(Z.Z,{defaultActiveKey:"1",centered:!0,style:{backgroundColor:"white",padding:"20px"},children:[(0,_.jsxs)(O.Z,{tab:"\u6570\u636E\u603B\u89C8",children:[(0,_.jsx)($.Z,{onResize:function(t){te(t.width<596)},children:(0,_.jsx)(o.Z,{children:(0,_.jsxs)(o.Z.Group,{direction:R?"column":"row",children:[(0,_.jsx)(o.Z,{statistic:{title:"\u7D2F\u8BA1\u6536\u5165\uFF08\u5143\uFF09",value:E(i==null?void 0:i.totalIncome)}}),(0,_.jsx)(q,{type:R?"horizontal":"vertical"}),(0,_.jsx)(o.Z,{statistic:{title:"\u4ECA\u65E5\u6536\u5165\uFF08\u5143\uFF09",value:E(i==null?void 0:i.todayIncome)}})]})})},"resize-observer"),(0,_.jsxs)(K.t,{defaultCollapsed:!0,split:!0,onFinish:A,children:[(0,_.jsx)(x.Z,{label:"\u5E73\u53F0",name:"platform",valueEnum:{1:"\u7A7F\u5C71\u7532",2:"\u817E\u8BAF",3:"\u767E\u5EA6\u8054\u76DF",4:"Mintegral",5:"\u5FEB\u624B",6:"\u6E38\u53EF\u8D62",7:"Sigmob",8:"Admob"}}),(0,_.jsx)(x.Z,{name:"advType",label:"\u5E7F\u544A\u7C7B\u578B",valueEnum:{1:"\u6A2A\u5E45",2:"\u63D2\u9875",3:"\u6FC0\u52B1\u89C6\u9891"}}),(0,_.jsx)(L.Z,{fieldProps:{disabledDate:function(t){return t&&t>=z()().startOf("day")}},name:"date",label:"\u65F6\u95F4"})]}),(0,_.jsx)(y.Z,u()({},re))]},"1"),(0,_.jsx)(O.Z,{tab:"\u5E7F\u544A\u8BE6\u60C5",children:(0,_.jsx)(W.Z,{headerTitle:H.formatMessage({id:"pages.searchTable.title",defaultMessage:"Enquiry form"}),actionRef:M,rowKey:"key",search:{labelWidth:120},request:V,columns:J})},"2")]})})};h.default=N}}]); |
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@ -1,4 +1,4 @@ |
"use strict";(self.webpackChunkant_design_pro=self.webpackChunkant_design_pro||[]).push([[185],{71759:function(Ke,G,d){d.r(G),d.d(G,{default:function(){return ye}});var K=d(90930),Z=d(35312),X=d(9361),o=d(67294),Q=d(93967),f=d.n(Q),V=d(98423),E=d(53124),J=d(98675),U=d(99559),Y=d(11941),q=function(e,r){var t={};for(var a in e),a)&&r.indexOf(a)<0&&(t[a]=e[a]);if(e!=null&&typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols=="function")for(var i=0,a=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);i<a.length;i++)r.indexOf(a[i])<0&&,a[i])&&(t[a[i]]=e[a[i]]);return t},H=e=>{var{prefixCls:r,className:t,hoverable:a=!0}=e,i=q(e,["prefixCls","className","hoverable"]);const{getPrefixCls:s}=o.useContext(E.E_),b=s("card",r),h=f()(`${b}-grid`,t,{[`${b}-grid-hoverable`]:a});return o.createElement("div",Object.assign({},i,{className:h}))},n=d(54548),y=d(14747),_=d(91945),k=d(45503);const ee=e=>{const{antCls:r,componentCls:t,headerHeight:a,cardPaddingBase:i,tabsMarginBottom:s}=e;return Object.assign(Object.assign({display:"flex",justifyContent:"center",flexDirection:"column",minHeight:a,marginBottom:-1,padding:`0 ${(0,}`,color:e.colorTextHeading,fontWeight:e.fontWeightStrong,fontSize:e.headerFontSize,background:e.headerBg,borderBottom:`${(0,} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorderSecondary}`,borderRadius:`${(0,} ${(0,} 0 0`},(0,y.dF)()),{"&-wrapper":{width:"100%",display:"flex",alignItems:"center"},"&-title":Object.assign(Object.assign({display:"inline-block",flex:1},y.vS),{[` |
"use strict";(self.webpackChunkant_design_pro=self.webpackChunkant_design_pro||[]).push([[185],{71759:function(Ke,G,d){d.r(G),d.d(G,{default:function(){return ye}});var K=d(90930),Z=d(35312),X=d(9361),o=d(67294),Q=d(93967),f=d.n(Q),V=d(98423),E=d(53124),J=d(98675),U=d(99559),Y=d(13169),q=function(e,r){var t={};for(var a in e),a)&&r.indexOf(a)<0&&(t[a]=e[a]);if(e!=null&&typeof Object.getOwnPropertySymbols=="function")for(var i=0,a=Object.getOwnPropertySymbols(e);i<a.length;i++)r.indexOf(a[i])<0&&,a[i])&&(t[a[i]]=e[a[i]]);return t},H=e=>{var{prefixCls:r,className:t,hoverable:a=!0}=e,i=q(e,["prefixCls","className","hoverable"]);const{getPrefixCls:s}=o.useContext(E.E_),b=s("card",r),h=f()(`${b}-grid`,t,{[`${b}-grid-hoverable`]:a});return o.createElement("div",Object.assign({},i,{className:h}))},n=d(54548),y=d(14747),_=d(91945),k=d(45503);const ee=e=>{const{antCls:r,componentCls:t,headerHeight:a,cardPaddingBase:i,tabsMarginBottom:s}=e;return Object.assign(Object.assign({display:"flex",justifyContent:"center",flexDirection:"column",minHeight:a,marginBottom:-1,padding:`0 ${(0,}`,color:e.colorTextHeading,fontWeight:e.fontWeightStrong,fontSize:e.headerFontSize,background:e.headerBg,borderBottom:`${(0,} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorderSecondary}`,borderRadius:`${(0,} ${(0,} 0 0`},(0,y.dF)()),{"&-wrapper":{width:"100%",display:"flex",alignItems:"center"},"&-title":Object.assign(Object.assign({display:"inline-block",flex:1},y.vS),{[` |
> ${t}-typography, |
> ${t}-typography, |
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> ${t}-typography-edit-content |
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`]:{insetInlineStart:0,marginTop:0,marginBottom:0}}),[`${r}-tabs-top`]:{clear:"both",marginBottom:s,color:e.colorText,fontWeight:"normal",fontSize:e.fontSize,"&-bar":{borderBottom:`${(0,} ${e.lineType} ${e.colorBorderSecondary}`}}})},te=e=>{const{cardPaddingBase:r,colorBorderSecondary:t,cardShadow:a,lineWidth:i}=e;return{width:"33.33%",padding:r,border:0,borderRadius:0,boxShadow:` |
File diff suppressed because one or more lines are too long
@ -1,173 +1,308 @@ |
import { advList } from '@/services/matrix/admin'; |
import { advList, incomeOverview } from '@/services/matrix/admin'; |
import { PageContainer, ProColumns, ProTable } from '@ant-design/pro-components'; |
import { Column } from '@ant-design/charts'; |
import { |
PageContainer, |
ProColumns, |
ProFormDateRangePicker, |
ProFormSelect, |
ProTable, |
QueryFilter, |
StatisticCard, |
} from '@ant-design/pro-components'; |
import { useIntl } from '@umijs/max'; |
import { useIntl } from '@umijs/max'; |
import React, { useEffect, useRef } from 'react'; |
import { Tabs } from 'antd'; |
import TabPane from 'antd/es/tabs/TabPane'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import RcResizeObserver from 'rc-resize-observer'; |
import React, { useEffect, useRef, useState } from 'react'; |
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'; |
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'; |
import { incomeDaily } from '../services/matrix/admin'; |
// import { RequestOptionsType, ProFieldRequestData } from "@ant-design/pro-utils";
// import { RequestOptionsType, ProFieldRequestData } from "@ant-design/pro-utils";
import type { ActionType } from '@ant-design/pro-components'; |
import type { ActionType } from '@ant-design/pro-components'; |
const AdvRecordList: React.FC = () => { |
const AdvRecordList: React.FC = () => { |
const actionRef = useRef<ActionType>(); |
const actionRef = useRef<ActionType>(); |
/** |
* @en-US International configuration |
* @zh-CN 国际化配置 |
* */ |
const intl = useIntl(); |
/** |
// const appNameMap: ProFieldRequestData = async () => {
* @en-US International configuration |
// let res = await appList();
* @zh-CN 国际化配置 |
// let data: RequestOptionsType[] = [];
* */ |
const intl = useIntl(); |
// const appNameMap: ProFieldRequestData = async () => {
// let res = await appList();
// data.push({label:, value:})
// let data: RequestOptionsType[] = [];
// })
// return data;
// }
const columns: ProColumns<API.MatrixAdvRecordBo>[] = [ |
// data.push({label:, value:})
{ |
// })
title: '设备id', |
// return data;
dataIndex: 'deviceId', |
valueType: 'textarea', |
ellipsis: true, |
copyable: true, |
}, |
{ |
title: '应用名称', |
hideInSearch: true, |
dataIndex: 'appName', |
valueType: 'textarea', |
}, |
{ |
title: '平台', |
dataIndex: 'platform', |
valueEnum: { |
1: { |
text: '穿山甲', |
}, |
2: { |
text: '腾讯', |
}, |
3: { |
text: '百度联盟', |
}, |
4: { |
text: 'Mintegral', |
}, |
5: { |
text: '快手', |
}, |
6: { |
text: '游可赢', |
}, |
7: { |
text: 'Sigmob', |
}, |
8: { |
text: 'Admob', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
title: '广告类型', |
dataIndex: 'advType', |
valueEnum: { |
1: { |
text: '横幅', |
status: 'Default', |
}, |
2: { |
text: '插页', |
status: 'Processing', |
}, |
3: { |
text: '激励视频', |
status: 'Success', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
title: 'ecpm(元)', |
dataIndex: 'ecpm', |
hideInSearch: true, |
renderText: (x) => { |
return x / 100; |
}, |
}, |
{ |
title: '设备品牌', |
dataIndex: 'deviceBrand', |
hideInSearch: true, |
valueType: 'textarea', |
}, |
{ |
title: '设备名', |
dataIndex: 'deviceName', |
hideInSearch: true, |
valueType: 'textarea', |
}, |
{ |
title: 'ip', |
dataIndex: 'ip', |
hideInSearch: true, |
valueType: 'textarea', |
}, |
{ |
title: '时间', |
hideInSearch: true, |
dataIndex: 'createdAt', |
valueType: 'dateTime', |
}, |
{ |
title: '时间', |
hideInTable: true, |
dataIndex: 'createdAt', |
valueType: 'dateRange', |
}, |
// {
// title: "应用名称",
// hideInTable: true,
// dataIndex: 'appId',
// valueType: "select",
// request: appNameMap
// }
// }
]; |
const columns: ProColumns<API.MatrixAdvRecordBo>[] = [ |
const { code } = useParams(); |
{ |
const fetchData = async (params: any) => { |
title: "设备Id", |
const res = await advList({ ...params, code: code }); |
dataIndex: 'deviceId', |
return { |
valueType: 'textarea', |
data:, |
ellipsis: true, |
total:, |
copyable: true |
success: true, |
}, |
{ |
title: "应用名称", |
hideInSearch: true, |
dataIndex: 'appName', |
valueType: 'textarea', |
}, |
{ |
title: "平台", |
dataIndex: 'platform', |
valueEnum: { |
1: { |
text:"穿山甲" , |
}, |
2: { |
text: "腾讯", |
}, |
3: { |
text: "百度联盟", |
}, |
4: { |
text:"Mintegral", |
}, |
5: { |
text:"快手", |
}, |
6: { |
text:"游可赢", |
}, |
7: { |
text:"Sigmob", |
}, |
8: { |
text:"Admob", |
}, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
title: "广告类型", |
dataIndex: 'advType', |
valueEnum: { |
1: { |
text:"横幅" , |
status: 'Default', |
}, |
2: { |
text: "插页", |
status: 'Processing', |
}, |
3: { |
text: "激励视频", |
status: 'Success', |
}, |
}, |
}, |
{ |
title: "ecpm(元)", |
dataIndex: 'ecpm', |
hideInSearch: true, |
renderText: (x) => { |
return x / 100; |
} |
}, |
{ |
title: "设备品牌", |
dataIndex: 'deviceBrand', |
hideInSearch: true, |
valueType: 'textarea', |
}, |
{ |
title: "设备名", |
dataIndex: 'deviceName', |
hideInSearch: true, |
valueType: 'textarea', |
}, |
{ |
title: "ip", |
dataIndex: 'ip', |
hideInSearch: true, |
valueType: 'textarea', |
}, |
{ |
title: "时间", |
hideInSearch: true, |
dataIndex: 'createdAt', |
valueType: 'dateTime' |
}, |
{ |
title: "时间", |
hideInTable: true, |
dataIndex: 'createdAt', |
valueType: 'dateRange' |
}, |
// {
// title: "应用名称",
// hideInTable: true,
// dataIndex: 'appId',
// valueType: "select",
// request: appNameMap
// }
]; |
const {code} = useParams(); |
const fetchData = async (params:any) => { |
const res = await advList({...params, code:code}); |
return { |
data:, |
total:, |
success: true |
} |
}; |
}; |
}; |
const [overview, setOverview] = useState<API.OverviewBo>(); |
const [daily, setDaily] = useState<API.DateIncome[]>([]); |
const { Divider } = StatisticCard; |
const [responsive, setResponsive] = useState(false); |
const fetchOverview = async (param: string | undefined) => { |
const res = await incomeOverview({ appCode: param }); |
if ( { |
setOverview(; |
} |
}; |
const fetchDaily = async (params: API.IncomeQuery) => { |
const res = await incomeDaily({ ...params, code: code }); |
if ( { |
setDaily(; |
} |
}; |
useEffect(() => { |
actionRef.current?.reload(); |
fetchOverview(code); |
fetchDaily({ code: code }); |
}, [code]); |
const formatIncome = (v: number | undefined) => { |
if (!v) { |
return 0; |
} |
return parseFloat((v / 1000_00).toFixed(2)); |
}; |
// 在渲染折线图组件时,对数据进行处理
const processedChartData: { date: string | number; income: number }[] = => ({ |
date: + '', |
income: formatIncome(item.income), |
})); |
useEffect(() => { |
const config = { |
actionRef.current?.reload(); |
data: processedChartData, |
}, [code]); |
xField: 'date', |
yField: 'income', |
return ( |
axis: { |
<PageContainer> |
date: { |
<ProTable<API.MatrixAdvRecordBo, API.AdvRecordQuery> |
title: '日期', |
headerTitle={intl.formatMessage({ |
}, |
id: 'pages.searchTable.title', |
income: { |
defaultMessage: 'Enquiry form', |
title: '收入(元)', |
})} |
}, |
actionRef={actionRef} |
}, |
rowKey="key" |
title: |
search={{ |
'累计' + |
labelWidth: 120, |
formatIncome(daily.reduce((acc, data) => acc + (data.income ? data.income : 0), 0)) + |
}} |
'元', |
request={fetchData} |
height: 400, |
columns={columns} |
label: { |
/> |
text: (d: any) => (d.收入 > 0 ? d.收入 : ''), |
</PageContainer> |
textBaseline: 'bottom', |
); |
}, |
}; |
}; |
export default AdvRecordList; |
return ( |
<PageContainer> |
<Tabs defaultActiveKey="1" centered style={{ backgroundColor: 'white', padding: '20px' }}> |
<TabPane tab="数据总览" key="1"> |
<RcResizeObserver |
key="resize-observer" |
onResize={(offset) => { |
setResponsive(offset.width < 596); |
}} |
> |
<StatisticCard> |
<StatisticCard.Group direction={responsive ? 'column' : 'row'}> |
<StatisticCard |
statistic={{ |
title: '累计收入(元)', |
value: formatIncome(overview?.totalIncome), |
}} |
/> |
<Divider type={responsive ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'} /> |
<StatisticCard |
statistic={{ |
title: '今日收入(元)', |
value: formatIncome(overview?.todayIncome), |
}} |
/> |
</StatisticCard.Group> |
</StatisticCard> |
</RcResizeObserver> |
<QueryFilter defaultCollapsed split onFinish={fetchDaily}> |
<ProFormSelect |
label="平台" |
name="platform" |
valueEnum={{ |
1: '穿山甲', |
2: '腾讯', |
3: '百度联盟', |
4: 'Mintegral', |
5: '快手', |
6: '游可赢', |
7: 'Sigmob', |
8: 'Admob', |
}} |
/> |
<ProFormSelect |
name="advType" |
label="广告类型" |
valueEnum={{ |
1: '横幅', |
2: '插页', |
3: '激励视频', |
}} |
/> |
<ProFormDateRangePicker |
fieldProps={{ |
disabledDate: (current: any) => current && current >= moment().startOf('day'), |
}} |
name="date" |
label="时间" |
/> |
</QueryFilter> |
{/* <Line {...config} /> */} |
<Column {...config} /> |
</TabPane> |
<TabPane tab="广告详情" key="2"> |
<ProTable<API.MatrixAdvRecordBo, API.AdvRecordQuery> |
headerTitle={intl.formatMessage({ |
id: 'pages.searchTable.title', |
defaultMessage: 'Enquiry form', |
})} |
actionRef={actionRef} |
rowKey="key" |
search={{ |
labelWidth: 120, |
}} |
request={fetchData} |
columns={columns} |
/> |
</TabPane> |
</Tabs> |
</PageContainer> |
); |
}; |
export default AdvRecordList; |
@ -0,0 +1,165 @@ |
import { appList, incomeOverview } from '@/services/matrix/admin'; |
import { Column } from '@ant-design/charts'; |
import { |
PageContainer, |
ProFormDateRangePicker, |
ProFormSelect, |
QueryFilter, |
StatisticCard, |
} from '@ant-design/pro-components'; |
import moment from 'moment'; |
import RcResizeObserver from 'rc-resize-observer'; |
import { useEffect, useState } from 'react'; |
import { useParams } from 'react-router-dom'; |
import { incomeDaily } from '../services/matrix/admin'; |
const Overview: React.FC = () => { |
const [overview, setOverview] = useState<API.OverviewBo>(); |
const [daily, setDaily] = useState<API.DateIncome[]>([]); |
const [appArr, setAppArr] = useState<API.MatrixApp[]>([]); |
const { Divider } = StatisticCard; |
const [responsive, setResponsive] = useState(false); |
const { code } = useParams(); |
const fetchData = async () => { |
const res = await incomeOverview({ appCode: code }); |
if ( { |
setOverview(; |
} |
}; |
const fetchApp = async () => { |
const res = await appList(); |
if ( { |
setAppArr(; |
} |
}; |
const fetchDaily = async (params: API.IncomeQuery) => { |
console.log('fetchDaily'); |
console.log(params); |
const res = await incomeDaily(params); |
if ( { |
setDaily(; |
} |
}; |
useEffect(() => { |
fetchData(); |
fetchApp(); |
fetchDaily({ code: code }); |
}, []); |
const formatIncome = (v: number | undefined) => { |
if (!v) { |
return 0; |
} |
return parseFloat((v / 1000_00).toFixed(2)); |
}; |
// 在渲染折线图组件时,对数据进行处理
const processedChartData: { date: string | number; income: number }[] = => ({ |
date: + '', |
income: formatIncome(item.income), |
})); |
const config = { |
data: processedChartData, |
xField: 'date', |
yField: 'income', |
axis: { |
date: { |
title: '日期', |
}, |
income: { |
title: '收入(元)', |
}, |
}, |
title: |
'累计' + |
formatIncome(daily.reduce((acc, data) => acc + (data.income ? data.income : 0), 0)) + |
'元', |
height: 400, |
label: { |
text: (d: any) => (d.收入 > 0 ? d.收入 : ''), |
textBaseline: 'bottom', |
}, |
}; |
return ( |
<PageContainer> |
<RcResizeObserver |
key="resize-observer" |
onResize={(offset) => { |
setResponsive(offset.width < 596); |
}} |
> |
<StatisticCard> |
<StatisticCard.Group direction={responsive ? 'column' : 'row'}> |
<StatisticCard |
statistic={{ |
title: '累计收入(元)', |
value: formatIncome(overview?.totalIncome), |
}} |
/> |
<Divider type={responsive ? 'horizontal' : 'vertical'} /> |
<StatisticCard |
statistic={{ |
title: '今日收入(元)', |
value: formatIncome(overview?.todayIncome), |
}} |
/> |
</StatisticCard.Group> |
</StatisticCard> |
</RcResizeObserver> |
<div style={{ backgroundColor: 'white', marginTop: '20px', padding: '40px' }}> |
<QueryFilter defaultCollapsed split onFinish={fetchDaily}> |
<ProFormSelect |
name="code" |
label="应用" |
options={ => ({ |
label:, |
value: x.code, |
}))} |
/> |
<ProFormSelect |
label="平台" |
name="platform" |
valueEnum={{ |
1: '穿山甲', |
2: '腾讯', |
3: '百度联盟', |
4: 'Mintegral', |
5: '快手', |
6: '游可赢', |
7: 'Sigmob', |
8: 'Admob', |
}} |
/> |
<ProFormSelect |
name="advType" |
label="广告类型" |
valueEnum={{ |
1: '横幅', |
2: '插页', |
3: '激励视频', |
}} |
/> |
<ProFormDateRangePicker |
fieldProps={{ |
disabledDate: (current: any) => current && current >= moment().startOf('day'), |
}} |
name="date" |
label="时间" |
/> |
</QueryFilter> |
{/* <Line {...config} /> */} |
<Column {...config} /> |
</div> |
</PageContainer> |
); |
}; |
export default Overview; |
Reference in new issue