You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

30 lines
1.1 KiB

export default [
// {
// path: '/user',
// layout: false,
// routes: [
// { path: '/user', routes: [{ name: '登录', path: '/user/login', component: './user/Login' }] },
// { component: './404' },
// ],
// },
// { path: '/welcome', name: '欢迎', icon: 'smile', component: './Welcome' },
// {
// path: '/admin',
// name: '管理页',
// icon: 'crown',
// access: 'canAdmin',
// component: './Admin',
// routes: [
// { path: '/admin/sub-page', name: '二级管理页', icon: 'smile', component: './Welcome' },
// { component: './404' },
// ],
// },
// { name: '查询表格', icon: 'table', path: '/list', component: './TableList' },
{ path: '/', redirect: '/poem' },
3 years ago
{ name: '作者', icon: 'smile', path: '/author', component: './AuthorPage' },
{ name: '诗词', icon: 'smile', path: '/poem', component: './PoemPage' },
3 years ago
{ name: '金句', icon: 'smile', path: '/verse', component: './VersePage' },
3 years ago
{ name: '主题', icon: 'smile', path: '/topic', component: './TopicPage' },
{ component: './404' },
3 years ago