You can not select more than 25 topics Topics must start with a letter or number, can include dashes ('-') and can be up to 35 characters long.

120 lines
10 KiB

export namespace API {
/** GET /api/currentUser */
/** example: 123 */
token: string;
export type GET_API_CURRENT_USER_PAYLOAD = Record<string, any>;
export type GET_API_CURRENT_USER_RES = {
/** example: {"name": "Serati Ma", "avatar": "https: //", "userid": "00000001", "email": "", "signature": "海纳百川,有容乃大", "title": "交互专家", "group": "蚂蚁金服-某某某事业群-某某平台部-某某技术部-UED", "tags": [{"key": "0", "label": "很有想法的"}, {"key": "1", "label": "专注设计"}, {"key": "2", "label": "辣~"}, {"key": "3", "label": "大长腿"}, {"key": "4", "label": "川妹子"}, {"key": "5", "label": "海纳百川"}], "notifyCount": 12, "unreadCount": 11, "country": "China", "geographic": {"province": {"label": "浙江省", "key": "330000"}, "city": {"label": "杭州市", "key": "330100"}}, "address": "西湖区工专路 77 号", "phone": "0752-268888888"} */
data: {
name: string;
avatar: string;
userid: string;
email: string;
signature: string;
title: string;
group: string;
tags: {
key: string;
label: string;
notifyCount: number;
unreadCount: number;
country: string;
geographic: {
province: {
label: string;
key: string;
city: {
label: string;
key: string;
address: string;
phone: string;
/** GET /api/rule */
export type GET_API_RULE_QUERY = {
/** example: 123 */
token: string;
/** example: 1 */
current: string;
/** example: 20 */
pageSize: string;
export type GET_API_RULE_PAYLOAD = Record<string, any>;
export type GET_API_RULE_RES = {
/** example: [{"key": 99, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 99", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 503, "status": "0", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 81}, {"key": 98, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 98", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 164, "status": "0", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 12}, {"key": 97, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 97", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 174, "status": "1", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 81}, {"key": 96, "disabled": true, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 96", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 914, "status": "0", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 7}, {"key": 95, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 95", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 698, "status": "2", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 82}, {"key": 94, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 94", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 488, "status": "1", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 14}, {"key": 93, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 93", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 580, "status": "2", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 77}, {"key": 92, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 92", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 244, "status": "3", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 58}, {"key": 91, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 91", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 959, "status": "0", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 66}, {"key": 90, "disabled": true, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 90", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 958, "status": "0", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 72}, {"key": 89, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 89", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 301, "status": "2", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 2}, {"key": 88, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 88", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 277, "status": "1", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 12}, {"key": 87, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 87", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 810, "status": "1", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 82}, {"key": 86, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 86", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 780, "status": "3", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 22}, {"key": 85, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 85", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 705, "status": "3", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 12}, {"key": 84, "disabled": true, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 84", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 203, "status": "0", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 79}, {"key": 83, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 83", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 491, "status": "2", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 59}, {"key": 82, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 82", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 73, "status": "0", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 100}, {"key": 81, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 81", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 406, "status": "3", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 61}, {"key": 80, "disabled": false, "href": "https: //", "avatar": "https: //", "name": "TradeCode 80", "owner": "曲丽丽", "desc": "这是一段描述", "callNo": 112, "status": "2", "updatedAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "createdAt": "2022-12-06T05: 00: 57.040Z", "progress": 20}] */
data: {
key: number;
disabled: boolean;
href: string;
avatar: string;
name: string;
owner: string;
desc: string;
callNo: number;
status: string;
updatedAt: string;
createdAt: string;
progress: number;
/** example: 100 */
total: number;
/** example: true */
success: boolean;
/** example: 20 */
pageSize: number;
/** example: 1 */
current: number;
/** POST /api/login/outLogin */
/** example: 123 */
token: string;
export type POST_API_LOGIN_OUT_LOGIN_PAYLOAD = Record<string, any>;
/** example: {} */
data: Record<string, any>;
/** example: true */
success: boolean;
/** POST /api/login/account */
/** example: 123 */
token: string;
/** example: admin */
username: string;
/** example: */
password: string;
/** example: true */
autoLogin: boolean;
/** example: account */
type: string;
/** example: ok */
status: string;
/** example: account */
type: string;
/** example: admin */
currentAuthority: string;